Submit Your Request Online

The Jesuit Archives & Research Center (JARC) invites you to initiate your request through the Archives Request Form below. In any request, please include the following information: your name, e-mail address, mailing address, and telephone number, as well as the subject, location, and time period of your topic.

JARC will reach out regarding your request within four weeks of it being submitted. You can learn more about our reference services on our Policies page.

You can also use this form to request a research appointment at the archives. Please use “Research Appointment” as the subject of your inquiry, and be sure to include the date(s) you would like to visit in the details about your inquiry. If you are requesting a visit for a group, please provide the names of all individuals who will be present during the research visit. We require that you reach out at least three weeks in advance of when you would like to visit to ensure that we can accommodate your trip and pull the relevant materials. Please note: a visit has not been scheduled until you have received an email confirming your visit from a JARC staff member.

Research Visit Closure: JARC is not scheduling research visits from Monday, September 2, 2024, through Friday, October 11, 2024.

Archives Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Above, briefly state the subject of your inquiry. Please use the box below to provide additional details.
In the box above, please include details such as the names of specific people or institutions in which you are interested, the location (city and/or state) of any institutions in which you are interested, and the time period in which you are interested.
Please use the space above to let us know if you are completing this research for a class assignment, to publish a book, to research your family history, etc.
Please check the box to the right if you would like to receive a copy of your form submission.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.