Jesuit Archives in the US and Abroad

The Jesuit Archives & Research Center (JARC) holds the collective memory of most past and current administrative provinces of the Society of Jesus in the United States. While JARC does house some Maryland Province records, a large body of materials from the Maryland and Maryland-New York Provinces continues to be maintained at Georgetown University. For more information about this collection, consult the Archives of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus at the Booth Family Center for Special Collections at Georgetown University.

For records of the General Curia (the central government of the Society of Jesus), consult the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, the Archives of the House of the Superior General in Rome.

As a starting point for connecting with the archives for Jesuit provinces outside of the United States, consult the World of Jesuit Archives project from the Institute of Advanced Jesuit Sources at Boston College. Additional archives will continue to be added to this resource.